Technology has touched every aspect of life, making it easier, better and different. Filmmaking has been influenced by technology greatly. Following are the Tech Specs used by Media Designs. 

CameraPanasonic GH5, GH4 Sony FS7/strong>Sony Ex3/strong> Canon 5D/strong>Canon 7D/strong>Panasonic HCX 1000/strong>
Other Cameras DJI Phantam 4DJI Phantam ProGo Pro Theta 360--
Light SoftyHalogen Baby Fluorescent LampSpot Light LED Light
CraneSmall Jib dollyPantherDolly TrackBig Jib-
Lens Wide zoomNormal PrimeMacro-
Available Format.avi .mov.mpeg4/mp4.flv DVD-
Resolution 7680 x 43203840 x 21601920 x 10801280 x 7201280 x 720 720 x 480
Aspect Ratio4:03 16:09 Cinemascope---
Voice-OverMale VoiceFemale VoiceCelebrity---
Special Effects2D3D Motion graphics Chroma Shoot--