How to Create Professional Training Videos

How to Create Professional Training Videos

Videos are one of the most popular ways to deliver and consume content. It’s the most important component of E-Learning. Training videos are one of the best ways to share knowledge or information.

How to Create Professional Training Videos

Video allows for more effective processing of information and memory retention than text or any other type of visual or non-visual content. Social Media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube encourage people to watch and share videos.

Visual and auditory learners both can be benefitted from an educational video that transmits the information they need in a direct and easy way. The trainers, instructional designers, and anyone else tasked with training customers should be creating instructional videos as part of their customer education program.

This makes customers particularly receptive to video as they try to learn about your product or service.

In this article, you will find out what a training video is, why to create a training video, and the Types of Training Videos, and also go through a step-by-step process on how to create a Training Video.

What is a Training Video?

A training video presents video-based content that aims to show or teach someone how to do something. Training videos take on the task of educating your employees or customers to solve a problem. It can be utilized to educate viewers on any topic from simple software tutorials to complex compliance policy updates.

The goal of a training video is to train the viewer in a particular skill or share knowledge on a particular topic that helps solve problems and become more efficient at their work.

Why create Training Video?

Video is the perfect media for training because you can both show and tell viewers what they need to know. A video can have a tremendous impact on the effectiveness of a wider training program. Also, video is inherently more engaging than text-only methods.

Using video can have a tremendous impact on the effectiveness of a wider training program. It has the power to improve the overall learning experience and make it more interactive,  it can also transmit information faster, and establish and serve an educational end goal.

And just in case all the right points about interactive videos above aren’t strong enough to convince you, we’re now going to break down the reasons to create an interactive video:

  1. High- Engagement of Viewers/Audience
  2. Improves your Customer Satisfaction
  3. Easier to Remember
  4. Improves the google search
  5. Grow your Business

Types of Training Videos

There are many video types to choose from. Which one is best?

Selecting a video type depends on your audience’s learning goals, budget, available resources, and sometimes, just personal preference.

In this guide, we will discuss six video types. Don’t worry, one doesn’t have to settle on just one type. From expert’s experience, the best training videos use a blend of many types.

Here are a few for you to explore 👍

#1 Instructor-led video

This is one of the most common types of training videos you can find in online programs. Instructor-led training videos feature an instructor delivering the information to the camera. However, this method itself is not that engaging. The instructor needs to combine other materials like images, screencasts, or presentations to boost the effectiveness of the training video.

  •  Skill level required: Beginner to Intermediate
  •  Time commitment: Medium
  • When to use: Use instructor-led videos when you have an engaging, expert presenter.


#2  Animated Training Videos

Animated training videos come in all shapes and sizes. We have stop-motion, whiteboard animation, explain, 3D, kinetic text and video, and moving infographics, just to name a few. These are training videos that utilise fully animated visuals to illustrate the content. They are great for explaining ideas, data, and complex processes.

 Skill level required: Intermediate

  • Time commitment: Medium
  • When to use: Use animated videos to explain complex processes and ideas. Or if you’re looking to save time on development and coordination. Simple animation tools like Vyond speed up the development process, requiring no time to set up cameras, lighting, or audio equipment.


#3  Interactive Training Videos

Interactive training videos incorporate interactive elements to allow the learners to lead their storylines and involve themselves in their experience. The interactive elements can be quizzes ( short assessments at the end of the video ), 360 views (all-direction view), or in-person communicative lectures.

Interactive training videos are time-intensive to create. However, they are by far one of the most engaging types of training videos providing learners to explore the end of their choices.

  • Skill level required: Advanced
  • Time commitment: High
  • When to use: Use interactive videos as often as possible. If you have time and budget, interactive videos are the most effective training videos for human learning. But they also require the most resources to build.


 #4  Presenter Training Videos

Presenter training videos involve someone speaking directly to the audience through the camera. However, unlike instructor-led training videos, this type doesn’t require illustration to be effective. Presenter training videos work best when you want to showcase the presenter’s skills and knowledge. Another benefit of a presenter video is that it takes little to produce. The presenter can easily turn a regular training session into a video with a camera.

  • Skill level required: Advanced
  • Time commitment: High
  • When to use: Businesses can go for presenter training videos when there’s  a personal and credible presenter in-house. This method also allows organizations to create training content from available resources.
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