Master the recipe of your presentation skills with these 4 ingredients
Presentation skills


All of us at some stage of our lives have been told to give a  presentation, to present the best version of ourselves with the best of what have we got. Be it in schools-colleges, Business/corporate meetings or in real life. Presentations play a very dynamic role in getting the message across in a more structured and organized scene.

While many of us haven’t yet been beheld by the best of our capabilities, presentations play a key role in helping us to do so, They are a great way to measure our step by step performance, serves as a platform to showcase our knowledge and expertise as professionals in a particular field of work or to simply get the ideas regarding the growth of the company across in a business meeting.

But why certain times, one is unable to come out as that presenter who was 100% successful in conveying their message with power and impact ,no matter how much One has a firm belief in their knowing.

The major cause for this is contributed by certainly fear of judgement and the inability to structure the thoughts i.e. a lack of preparedness both of which are manageable and could be easily overcome.

Here are a few techniques/skills that one can work upon  to eliminate any of the stress before a presentation, transforming it into a calming confidence your next presentation-

Presentation skills

1. HONESTY AND ENTHUSIASM– Nobody likes a person who can be sensed as exaggerating a situation and is un-relatable. The real enthusiasm of the audience comes from the assurance that as a presenter you know, what you are saying and is approaching it genuinely with confidence. So, prepare and practice until it’s definitely imprinted to your mind. The excitement increases especially with one’s ability to come down at the audience’s level, be able to connect with realism. Be versatile and don’t lose the truest version of yourself.

2. ELEMENT OF INTEREST- As presenters, it’s quite difficult to first grab the audience’s attention, let alone keep them engaged. One can achieve this by starting with a punchline, a joke, what if’s or simply stating an experience to give it a go. Most times, The beginning of a presentation impacts, how the rest of the presentation will go as goes about making the first impression one’s last.

3. BREVITY- As long as one could go about speaking on a particular topic, the attention span of the audience especially if it’s a younger audience won’t be able to register the details of what you said each time. Too many times too much speaking tends to bore people, where they end up just waiting for the presentation to get over. What you can do in such a situation ? Here are some tips-

  • Saying something unexpected to surprise ,will make their attention come back instantly.
  • Improvise, if the presentation is too boring skip to the slide which is interesting and relatable to the audience.
  • Ask them questions to keep the meeting active.
  • Focus on your audience and not on your own self too much, your presentation should be audience oriented. Focus on what they can get out of it.
  • At a professional corporate presentation. Don’t forget to also Appreciate your sub-ordinates for their contributions to the company this will motivate them to listen.

4. DON’T FORGET TO ENJOY YOURSELF- While you are being all formal, somewhat nervous about keeping it together and remembering all those pointers. Don’t forget to relax and taking it step by step to not jump onto any conclusions. A presentation becomes successful with knowing that your audience got the gist of it and could connect, because you made the meeting so engaging with your positive up- beat attitude.

Nobody forgets a person , who could expand their mind, break and challenge their old age beliefs, questions their questions and gives a New eye of perspective to think. That’s a presentation never forgotten by anybody.

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